Dianetics and Scientology - a Crusade

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Dianetics and Scientology - a Crusade
Topic Scientology not a business
Author L Ron Hubbard
Type of Article Category:Property "Is type of article" (as page type) with input value "Category:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

HUBBARD PROFESSIONAL COLLEGE ANNOUNCEMENT 1954 [ca. October] Official Publication of The Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation Phoenix, Arizona

Dianetics and Scientology are more a crusade for sanity than they are a business. The Foundations and other organizations in Dianetics have suffered only when the insistence that they be run as “business” overpowered their will to help humanity. If all we wanted to do with Dianetics and Scientology was make money, we would all be rich, for it is an easy thing to sell those hitherto unpurchasable things health, long life, and happiness.

But there is the extreme of charity which neglects the first dynamic. An optimum solution would be that one which brought the greatest good to the greatest number of dynamics. Thus the auditor must not neglect the first dynamic—himself. Too many have. And their work has been impeded by lack of funds. The Foundation is not a business, the auditor is not a businessman. But both the Foundation and the auditor must live and work in a commercial and economic conscious world.

It is no disgrace for an auditor to earn several thousand dollars in a few weeks. It would only be a disgrace if he worked only to earn it. With money made from those who can afford auditing, an auditor can himself afford to undertake the assistance of those in hospitals and asylums or who have lost in life. It is a luxury to be so generous. It is not a luxury to earn, only—who was it said that he who is without charity is as empty as sounding brass and the tinkling of the temple bell.

But remember, there is a happy mean between an overburden of wealth and an overburden of charity. Either way loses.

And so, when we speak of an auditor’s income, we speak of his potential charity. And when we speak of an auditor’s charity, we hope he can have enough paying preclears to afford it.

An auditor is wasted on a routine job — his time is lost. He is also wasted processing nothing but movie stars and millionaires—if he forgets that these can only buy him the luxury of charity in the backwaters of the world.

L Ron Hubbard