The Battle of Scientology

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"It is perfectly possible for a man to be out of prison, and yet not free - to be under no physical constraint and yet to be a psychological captive, compelled to think, feel and act as the representatives of the national state, or of some private interest within the nation, wants him to think, feel and act.
"The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective."
Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley, 1958
Implant: "an unwilling and unknowing receipt of a thought. An intentional installation of fixed ideas, contrasurvival to the thetan. (SH Spec 83, 6612C06) (mouse-over the word implant for more definitions)

If we could time-travel into the distant future we might find the history books referring to the mid-to-late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries as the "Battle of Scientology" period. (being the era when the great and final war for the minds, and spirit, of humanoids was fought)

You are of course free to consider this mere fanciful speculation or a ridiculous idea - but for those who might stumble upon this article and be previously disposed, based on observation of a wide collection of information, to see broader and deeper undercurrents and intrigues at play with regards to the evolution, or stifling, of humankind, the suggestion that Scientology might play a greater role in the fate of mankind than is immediately apparent, is not unreasonable.

battlefronts[edit | edit source]

The Battle of Scientology took place on three main fronts.

1. Terrestrial[edit | edit source]

i.e. land based skirmishes on Earth (primarily), 'These include the fight for control and eventual takeover of, the Church of Scientology - media exposes - independent/splinter groups - liberation of Scientology materials and technologies from monopolistic control.

first shots fired[edit | edit source]

Dianetics 1stEdition.jpg

"The muckraking started as far back as 24 July 1950, with Time magazine’s “Of Two Minds” article, when Hubbard’s Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health “was steadily climbing the U.S. bestseller lists.” The article began: “A new cult is moldering through the U.S. underbrush,” giving Luce the dubious distinction of being the first CIA mouthpiece to label the wildly unorganized grass-roots popularity of Dianetics at the time a “cult.”

"A greater irony is that this disdain for readers of Dianetics as a “cult” came just three months after the CIA had launched its long-running and very well organized mind-control cult under the name Project BLUEBIRD on 20 April 1950, which would metastasize in the dark for decades under shell-game name changes, such as ARTICHOKE and MK-ULTRA."[1]

2. "Psyops"[edit | edit source]

i.e. thought control by mechanical and/or psychological means.

implanting[edit | edit source]

NSA TAO facility in San Antonio TX
"Dr. John Hall, a pain management physician specializing in stem cell therapy, spoke about his activism against non-consensual experimentation and intrusive surveillance technology conducted on US citizens. His interest in the topic began when a woman he knew in San Antonio, was stalked and electronically harassed by a former FBI agent. He learned that this wasn't an isolated case, and that there were thousands of other similar incidents, which involved such things as organized stalking, and attacks with directed energy and electromagnetic weapons. In 2010, the NSA admitted it was using a ground wave-based weapon that was playing havoc with the electricity in the San Antonio area, he reported. The NSA has a base of operations known as TAO in San Antonio, which uses a technology to access computers, as well as people's brains, he added.
"The goal of the experimentation has been to figure out how to remotely control a human being, and seems to be moving in the direction of controlling the population at large, he revealed. Victims are often placed in a difficult position when they report these crimes, as agencies like the FBI are aware of the technology and know that the CIA and NSA are funding the research, and giving access to subcontractors to conduct experiments on a wide sample of the populace, Hall continued. Some of the victims report hearing direct voices in their head, describing accurately what they are doing or wearing, for instance. These occurrences play out differently than what a schizophrenic describes when they hear voices, he noted."[2]
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3. Thetans exterior[edit | edit source]

i.e. without bodies working to reverse the downward spiral of the universe. Note: although this could be considered an extension of the age-old "battle of good vs. evil", it was not until the technologies developed by L Ron Hubbard were introduced that the final outcome, for the good guys, could be assured. (the real reason for the battle heating up and earth becoming the main battlefield)

references[edit | edit source]