Mayo was confused

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Mayo was confused

David gives some good historical data in this essay but, in the end, he exposes and continues to propagate certain confusions about the state of clear.

The state of clear is a very definite thing which can be easily identified and acknowledged by a competent auditor. It is a milestone on the bridge from human to OT.

I would agree that the evolution of case gain with any individual is a gradient scale and the state of clear in no way indicates that a person has handled ALL case. Far from it.

So using the term "clear" in a generic sense, I would agree with David that there exists a 'potential' for ever greater clear...ness. But we could just as easily substitute the term "OT" here as well. OT is a gradient scale of potential and ever increasing gain. OT...ness if you will.

But there ARE markers along the way which can be given arbitrary designations such as with any of the grades of Scientology.

Clear is such a marker. There is a point when a being realizes certain things about himself and has regained a certain level of causation over his own mind and universe.

One such point is called Clear!

Dl88008 (talk)19:02, June 26, 2018