Talk:Vital Data on Scientology Meters

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Vital Data on Scientology Meters117:55, May 12, 2015

Vital Data on Scientology Meters

"End of life" tends to be a curious term. Most problems can be trouble-shot and fixed. "Non-repairable" would have to be a major problem, like having been run over by a truck. Otherwise, most "old" parts can usually be second-sourced, or find a work-around.

It would also be nice to have a peer review by auditors, as to which meters are better, and why.

Lastly, is there a need for a new meter to be designed? (Or is there one available that works well at a reasonable cost, and is good enough for the full spectrum of work?)

198402:12, March 7, 2014

This should be incorporated. Together, perhaps to check the battery regularly with a meter not being used - I just found my Ability 3 meter did not work because of battery corrosion.

Antony A Phillips (talk)17:55, May 12, 2015