From Glenn to Johnathon re: Meter instructional video

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From Glenn to Johnathon re: Meter instructional video

Overall excellent work on something difficult to do.

Critique: Production quality very good. Music too somber after a while and needs some variance. Can you be sued by Scn for their terms on a broadcast? Are you doing the reads by hand or from real reads? It looks like by hand as there are jiggles at the end of the falls which are misleading. The slow rise had jerks in it, needs to be redone. The rocket read is too slow. The first two FNs are too mechanical and not "floaty" enough. The 3rd FN is OK. The 4th FN is not recognizable to me as an "FN." The "springs" FN is not recognizable to me. If you mean "pop to FN" then you don't have it yet. The Instant FN is not smooth enough. The tick is too smooth, a tick is a "jerk" of the needle.

Again, good job. Glenn

Aaglenn00:27, April 13, 2013