Ingo Swann

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Ingo Swann
Birthdate 09/14
Birthday September 14, 1933
Deceased Yes
Died on January 31, 2013
info New York City
Nationality American
Occupation Artist, Writer, Remote viewer
Org. Affiliation(s) Celebrity Centre International, Advanced Org Los Angeles

Swann was a psychic who called himself a "consciousness researcher" who had sometimes experienced "altered states of consciousness." He said, "I don't get 'tested', I only work with researchers on well-designed experiments."[1] According to Russell Targ and Harold Puthoff, "Swann-inspired innovations" have led to impressive results in parapsychology. Indeed, experiments not controlled by Swann have not been successful, and they are rarely mentioned, and if so, only in passing.[2][3]

scientology[edit | edit source]

"ADVANCE!: How did these abilities develop with relationship to your auditing on the OT Levels?

INGO: They are solely the result of auditing. Not particularly even the OT Levels.

I had extremely good gains from lower grades. And some had developed certainly by the time Power Processing took place.

But steady good control over them, the control I have now — which is not perfect by the way — occurred after the completion of OT III Expanded, and is even better than ever now that I have finished OT VII.

So they are solely the result of auditing.[4]

" I don't remember when I first heard of Scientology, but I do remember purchasing in 1961 a May 1950 copy of ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION magazine because it contained an essay by one L Ron Hubbard entitled DIANETICS, AN INTRODUCTION TO A NEW SCIENCE. Even though Hubbard had been quite famous before 1961, I had never heard of him. I bought the magazine because of Hubbard's essay and which had to do with the author's ideas of how the mind worked -- the topic of one of my passions.

I then learned that the essay had been expanded into book form as DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH. So I acquired a used copy of that, too.

The book stood around for about two years in my to-read piles. When I did read it, I was impressed by quite a number of his observations. Among these he insisted that intra-uterine memory was possible and did occur and that the unborn baby began recording memory and other impressions well before actual physical birth.

Most encyclopedias having an entry for Dianetics indicate that Hubbard's book became an over-night best-seller, and which was indeed the case -- and for quite a long time.

I also began occasionally running into people who were into Dianetics. As a group I found them a rather odd lot, but most of them were also "occultists" interested in topics of my passion, and were enthusiastic about the developmental possibilities Dianetics held for those topics.

I first became really apprised regarding Scientology in a strange way.

In the winter of 1962, at the United Nations I met a woman hired to work for the duration of the General Assembly. She was exquisitely beautiful and was lusted after by males everywhere in the UN buildings, and I was intensely attracted. She was a bit older than I -- which caused my mother's eye brows to arch a little. But what the hell. I wanted her, and I got her, and our affair lasted nearly four years. I will call her Pauola, because she has long been happily married to someone else and wouldn't want her name spread through the Internet.

At the time she was deeply passionate about the work of Georgei Gurdjieff and the movement which had formed around it. This coincided with my own interests in reading about Gurdjieff and his works, and so we were happy as clams.

After about three years of our bliss, and etc., Pauola became interested in Scientology and thought I should become likewise interested.

She took me to a Scientology franchise center far uptown in Manhattan -- and which center was composed of the ugliest interiors possible.

I remember it clearly. Old dark green wallpaper with large PINK palm trees, the paper torn here and there. The furniture -- well, one could actually find better stuff in the streets in those days. I'm not prissy, but I tended to associate aesthetic conditions with states of mind -- and the center flunked this in all regards."[5]

notes[edit | edit source]

"I looked into this Marty, and from my research at least, he wasn’t involved in any of the psychic testing (in NY at the various para-psychological institutes), until after he had gone Clear and done the original OT levels in the late 60s and 1970. (He was Clear# 2231 in 1969.)

He started being “psychically tested” in 1971 in NY at the American Society for Psychical Research (ASPR).

"In the mid-70s, in various Advance! magazines, he said numerous times that it was the Bridge that brought about and improved his psychic abilities (e.g. Advance! issues 21, 44, & 54).

He also wrote and presented a “Scientological paper” for a psychic research conference in Prague in 1973 (“Scientological Techniques: A Modern Paradigm for the Exploration of Consciousness and Psychic Integtration”).

The label “Scientologist” was an admitted problem for him though (e.g. he was accused of being a “spy for Hubbard” by the ASPR in the early 70s), and I think he was very dismayed with the way the CoS was going by the late 70s and left in the early 80s (and started taking NED services at Mayo’s place).

Though you’re right though, by 1996, he wasn’t saying that Scientology auditing is what helped him gain control of “remote viewing”. I wouldn’t be surprised if he did this for PR reasons though — most of the remote viewing crowd does their best to keep a huge distance between Scientology and the origin of remote viewing (though there’s clearly a direct link with Ingo and Puthoff developing the original “Remote Viewing Training” program).

In 1996, Swann still considered the ASPR’s reaction to his being a Scientologist as a “persecutorial event”.

For those interested, his online “Remote Viewing – The Real Story” story from 1996 (he passed away this past February), can be found here:

Personally, I think Ingo Swann would have remained a happy Scientologist — and done more to link Scientology up with psychic research — if the CoS hadn’t gone so far into the cult direction."

The CoS (Advance! magazine), in 1973, interviewed Ingo asking how his psychic abilities had developed in relation to the Bridge — Ingo, at the time, said they were solely the result of auditing.

Also in 1973, Ingo published a “Scientology paper” at a Prague conference — on behalf of the Church of Scientology according to the proceedings of the conference — which attempted to integrate scientology principles with psychic research.

And in 1974, Ingo was part of a CoS “OT Symposium” (which was summarized in an issue of Advance!) — along with Heber Jentzch, Chick Corea, an educator, and others (all OTs). It was a sort of round-table type of event that came across as somewhat make-shift (e.g. I don’t think there was an audience), but it ostensibly had the purpose of discussing and disseminating how OTs were integrating with various areas of society — science, education, etc.

I would say the CoS (when it wasn’t being paranoid at least), was in very good graces with Ingo Swann, and fully supported the research he and Hal Puthoff were involved in.

When the FBI break-ins by the GO were discovered, that probably put a pretty serious damper on Swann’s and Puthoff’s relationship with the CoS (considering that Swann and Puthoff were working closely with the intelligence community on their remote viewing research through the 70s and 80s). I read an article from 1978, for example, where Puthoff publicly denounced his involvement with the Church of Scientology — specifically, because of the GO break-ins. It took Swann a couple more years before he left."

Remote Viewing[edit | edit source]

See our three part series about Remote Viewing and the Deep State interest in and takeover of Scientology.

Watch Podcast 5, 6 & 7 - RV The Scientology Connection for a full briefing on Ingo's activities with the SRI RV experiments.

Podcast 6 is below but part one is recommended before watching.

references[edit | edit source]

  1. ^ Chapter.Twelve -
  2. ^ Wikipedia article
  3. ^ Reading the Enemy's Mind: Inside Star Gate, America's Psychic Espionage Program by Paul H. Smith, Tom Doherty Associates, 2005, page 55
  4. ^ My Scientology Blog
  5. ^ Auto-biography from biomindsuperpowers website